Madeleine Lopez

Madeleine Lopez
Jeffrey Kane
Graduation Year: 

I graduated from Cal Poly Humboldt in 2019, with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, and
a minor in Botany. An early interest in natural science provided me with a deep appreciation for
plant communities and their ecology, of which led to my involvement in two research labs. Prior
to graduate studies, I worked to describe an unknown permineralized plant specimen of the
Devonian period, in the Tomescu Paleobotanical Lab. Additionally, I completed multiple fire
related research projects in the Wildland Fire lab. My passion to preserve the integrity of native
plant life and forest ecosystems fueled me to pursue a higher education. My research interests
revolve around determining the relative impacts of fire on plant persistence and regeneration. My
current research investigates the potential role of fire in the germination of Lassics lupine
(Lupinus constancei), an endangered California native lupine (CNPS rank: 1B.1). In addition, I
will identify the time required by different woody plant species to reach reproductive maturity
and contribute to future generations. Furthermore, I am working to characterize a regenerative
mechanism utilized by non-serotinous conifers post-fire, by determining the timing of seed
maturation for five different tree species.